Monday, May 2, 2011

Dan's Frugal Shaving Tips

As I was shaving this morning I thought I'd share some of my frugal tips for saving money while carving your face up.  As a bit of disclaimer I don't have a very full beard so what works for me may not work for you.

  1. Wet shave - I shave while I'm in the shower.  This might waste water, but at the very least I find it more convenient than to shave in front of the mirror and then having to clean up afterwards, anyway.
  2. Use hair conditioner as shaving cream.  I have a big bottle of suave conditioner that I've been using for at least 4 years now.  Granted, I only shave a few times a week, but at about $3 this has got to be one of the cheapest ways to shave there is.  It's not as full as it once was but I'm pretty sure I can eek this out another year or so.
  3. "Hone" your razor blades using your arm hair, as shown by the creepy old naked guy in the video below.  I know this sounds really weird but I've been doing this since I bought a new pack of razors and it honestly seems to have really helped.  I'm guessing that since hair is actually very tough (which is why razors don't last that long), stroking the blade against the tough hair hones the edge of the blade.  I suppose I should qualify that using your arm hair means running the razor down your arm in the opposite direction that you would to shave it.  Please don't yell at me when you shave your arm hair off.

There are other ways to shave cheaply (as in cost of the blades - but there does seem to be a bit of an up front cost), and some dudes really get into it and become these "shaving ritual fundamentalists", it just seems like way too much hassle for me.

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