Good news everyone, the student loan balance has been KO'd by the mighty Dreese financial assault squad on Friday, 9/24/10. It's been a long journey and we've finally reached the end! That's the good news.
The bad news is that before Amber and I decided just to pay them off (thanks to some extra money in checking), I had submitted a payment to AES for $1500. Hey there ho there, no problem, they have a "Cancel Payment" link on their website which I took advantage of so I could just go through the payoff process instead. Yesterday I come to find out that AES never processed the cancel payment, so on top of the almost $2500 it took for payoff, they decided to help themselves to the $1500 as well. Gulp.

Upon further investigation it looks like they can only issue a refund by check, which can take up to 30 days. Such service after paying out balance 28 years ahead of schedule! Ironically our biggest financial emergency in a while happens after we've paid off our debt - did not see that coming. To further annoy us, transfering money from savings (ING direct) takes 2 business days, and we had to pay a $185 fee for helping us with our bee situation, so looks like we're in the poorhouse for the time being.
For those looking for the juicy details of the the student loans I made a post on reddit so you can check it out there. Financial success - ahoy!